We are the lions, We are VonHayat | Glimpses of life at VonHayat
We are the Lions
'Lion' is the official mascot of VonHayat school. As the visual representation of our spirit, it symbolizes courage, strength, and natural leadership. School teams competing in external curricular and extra-curricular competitions will be called ‘VonHayat Lions’.
VonHayat Pride
Lions live as a family, a Pride. Our students form a 'school pride' as they journey together in pursuit of knowledge. The 'Little Lion' also represents our young learners' determination and inspires VonHayat teams as they strive for excellence.
Our Green Space
The green space at VonHayat is a powerful environmental education tool.
The space is designed to look natural with logs, thickets, vegetable beds, walking paths, a freshwater pond, and a small bridge. Our little farm is full of herbs, vegetables, fruits and crops like pearl millet, Sorghum and sugarcane.
This year junior school learners grew okra (ladies' fingers), sugarcane, Eggplant, and watermelon. While engaging in this small-scale agricultural practice they learn to be responsible caretakers.
Squeaky the Squirrel
Our green space is full of beauties of nature. Early morning we love to quietly watch squeaky the squirrel collecting seeds from sorghum plants.
Meet Bany, our old Banyan tree
Standing like a guard at the main gate, Bany is the oldest tree at the campus. We just love this over 50 years old tree.
Patting Pixie
Pixie was gifted as a puppy. She was raised at school. Whenever Pixie comes to school, she loves to play with her old friends.
Dragonflies are regular guests at our pond. Watching dazzling dragonflies is an amazing sight. The brave ones even let dragonflies sit on their arms.
Basil plants are the most favorite ones for our honey bees. Hundreds of honeybees work hard to collect nectar from basil flowers.
How can butterflies miss such a beautiful place? Colorful butterflies are another brilliant sight to observe in our green space.
Our Events
Our Battles
Events are an integral part of student life at VonHayat.
When ‘thandi thandi sardi’ blankets Karachi, we celebrate WinterFest with soup, crackers, and corn. We make the long sweaty summers days sweeter with Sugarcane juice and ice cream. We love sandwiches and burger days and we make our world colorful on flower days. Our events are amazing.
Readers are the leaders
We are VonHayat readers. Reading is our pride. We read every day. Our reading competitions are tough and everybody is a winner. We celebrate our battles. We celebrate reading and the knowledge we gain every single day.
We build, we create
Our lives as learners are simple. We learn, we build, we create and we enjoy them all